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What additional types of information would you be interested in reading about in the Chronicle?
#Response DateResponse Text
1.2/1/2008 4:38:00 PMjob postings
2.2/1/2008 4:41:00 PMMore about ILL, document delivery, and access issues. Also, related conference reports.
3.2/1/2008 5:00:00 PMopportunities for collaboration; announcements of vendor visits that could benefit other libraries
4.2/1/2008 5:01:00 PMI'd like to see more Member News items, which could be obtained by the staff doing more outreach, cold calling, particularly hospital librarians.
5.2/1/2008 6:29:00 PMjob openings.
6.2/1/2008 8:09:00 PMsummaries of sessions from other conferences such as SLA, ASIST, related to medical/biological librarianship
7.2/4/2008 5:30:00 PMLocal success stories of &quot;how I did it good&quot;, technology application stories are very useful, databases I use and love, etc.
8.2/5/2008 7:01:00 PMNot sure