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If you have any additional opinions regarding the Chronicle, please share them.
#Response DateResponse Text
1.2/1/2008 4:42:00 PMI like getting the e-mail that alerts me to when the chronicle is available to read. The newsletter format is easy to navigate and read because it briefly highlights chapter events and news. The website is a good addition but because there is more information to sift through it is more time consuming and not my preference at this time. Do you currently also link to Chronicle newsletter from the chapter website?
2.2/1/2008 4:44:00 PMI don't like that it is not searchable on the Chapter website.
3.2/1/2008 5:59:00 PMHonestly, I'm not even sure if I read it. I know I get occasional email from Rachel and I'm guessing the Chronicle is connected, but I have no strong awareness of anything I actually read in it. Maybe that response in itself is meaningful.
4.2/1/2008 6:50:00 PMIt's still useful to me. I haven't completely transitioned into blogs and RSS.
5.2/6/2008 9:01:00 PMI used to read the printed Chronicle religiously but I understand that online is much cheaper.